How To Add Favicon In WordPress For Beginners

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How To Add Favicon In WordPress For Beginners

Get More Info On How To Add Favicon In WordPress For Beginners

๐ŸŽฅ How to Add a Favicon in WordPress for Beginners ๐ŸŒ

In this quick tutorial, we guide you through each step to add a custom favicon to your WordPress site, enhancing its visibility and brand identity. Perfect for beginners!

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0:00 – Introduction
0:15 – Accessing Plugin Section
0:30 – Searching and Installing Favicon Plugin
0:50 – Activating Plugin and Accessing Settings
1:10 – Setting and Customizing Favicon
1:30 – Uploading and Generating Favicon
1:48 – Checking Favicon on Site

FAQs: How To Add Favicon In WordPress For Beginners

What is a WordPress Favicon?

A favicon, or favorite icon, is a small, iconic image that represents your website in web browser tabs, bookmark lists, and within the address bar.

How do I choose an image for my WordPress favicon?

Select a simple image that represents your brand. It should be clear and recognizable even at small sizes.

Can I use any image as a WordPress favicon?

Yes, but it needs to be square and ideally at least 70×70 pixels to ensure it displays correctly across all devices.

How do I upload my favicon in WordPress?

Go to the Appearance section in your WordPress dashboard, select the favicon option, and upload your image there.

Why isn’t my favicon appearing immediately?

Sometimes you need to clear your browser cache or wait for the server to update to see the changes.


Adding a favicon to your WordPress site is a simple yet effective way to make your site look more professional and trustworthy. Itโ€™s one of the first steps in establishing a visual identity for your brand online. Remember, a great favicon is distinctive, reflects your brand, and catches the userโ€™s eye even in a crowded tab bar.

Thank you for watching this tutorial on How to Add a Favicon in WordPress for Beginners. If youโ€™re struggling with WordPress or just starting out, donโ€™t forget to subscribe to WP Learning 101 for more tips and training. Start mastering WordPress today and enhance your websiteโ€™s functionality and appeal!

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