The Anatomy Of Block In WordPress For Beginners (Step By Step Gutenberg Tutorial)

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What are the blocks in WordPress?

Blocks are content elements that you add to the edit screen to create content layouts. Each item you add to your post or page is a block. You can add blocks for each paragraph, images, videos, galleries, audio, lists, and more.

How do WordPress blocks work?

Using blocks is very intuitive. As soon as you begin working on a new post or page, WordPress will invite you to start writing text or choose a block type. When you’re done typing a paragraph, just press enter on your keyboard and WordPress will transition you to the next block. And so on.

What is a Gutenberg block?

Gutenberg blocks are the editor blocks that are used to create content layouts in the new WordPress block editor aka Gutenberg. Introduced in WordPress 5.0, the Gutenberg editor is a fully block-based editor where each piece of content is a draggable block.

We hope you enjoyed the Tutorial On The Anatomy Of Block In WordPress For Beginners (Step By Step Gutenberg Tutorial).

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